
Tom Grey

Ageing Art Student, Full-time Dad, Dead CTO

Visit this section to see the various pieces of art I have attempted to make, none of which are available as NFTs because I currently think NFTs are a huge scam (but reserve the right to retract this by missive from my private island if I sell an NFT for zillions of pounds).

Visit this section to read articles I have written about various topics from my former life as a CTO, and my current life as an aged art student. While none of the articles currently say anything rude about NFTs, it's only a matter of time.

About Me

As the third incarnation of Tom Grey, I am an art student at Central St Martins, studying Digital Fine Art. My practice focuses on exploring new ways to apply technology to art, and the balance between control (the intent of the artist) and chance (the will of the medium). I walk every day, and I am inspired by the patterns and chance I find in nature. I am a full-time carer to my two wonderful children.

The second incarnation of Tom Grey was a scientist and technologist. He was the CTO of several companies, and led the the Cloud Platform Pre-sales organisation for Google in Europe. A committed (if occasionally annoying) husband and dad, he failed to survive the death of his beloved wife in 2022.

The first incarnation of Tom Grey was a hippy teenager living on a smallholding somewhere in the far west of Cornwall. He spent a lot of time setting fire to things, improvising medieval weapons, and probably drowned after a night drinking down on the beach.